News Story

Funding reform needed to save adult social care from collapse, say local government Commission

February 18, 2015

The Independent Commission on Local Government Finance has today published a report warning that adult social care is facing financial crisis with minimal scope for further efficiencies. Without reform, the Commission warns, councils will have to find an additional £4.3 billion by 2020 to manage care services at the current levels. The report finds that councils are on a cliff-edge owing to funding cuts, and services which have been part of everyday life for many years, such as social care, may not be there much longer.

Responding to the Independent Commission on Local Government Finance’s warning about the crisis in social care, Richard Hawkes, Chair of the Care & Support Alliance, said:

“We welcome the Commission’s acknowledgement of the financial crisis in social care at a time when demand is rising. This is further confirmation that the chronic underfunding of social care is pushing councils to breaking point with a dramatic rationing of support for older and disabled people.

“As more and more of us need care, and fewer and fewer of us get it, the Government needs to fund care properly, as well the health system.

“Every day, our organisations hear horror stories of people who struggle to get the support they need to simply get up, get dressed and get out of the house. This has a huge impact on carers, who we know are struggling right now.

“It also has a knock on effect on the health service, which picks up the pieces when people become isolated, can’t live on their own and slip into crisis.”

See the CSA comment in the Daily Mail:

See the full report: