The Association of Directors of Adult Social Services (ADASS) have today published their annual budget survey.
Vicky McDermott, Chair of the Care and Support Alliance, said:
“These figures will make grim reading for older and disabled people and their carers, who rely on social care to do the basics in life.
“With at least a £940 million funding gap this year, it’s clear that the new council tax precept has not been sufficient to keep pace with rising demand for care and the National Living Wage.
“Chronic underfunding will continue to have serious consequences for older and disabled people, many of whom aren’t getting the support they need to get up, get dressed and get out of the house.
“The new Prime Minister Theresa May has made clear she wants to deliver ‘a country that works not for a privileged few but for every one of us’. Tackling the crisis in social care funding head on therefore needs to be a priority.”
The Care and Support Alliance represents more than 80 of Britain’s leading charities campaigning alongside the millions of older people, disabled people and their carers who deserve decent care.
Media contact: Warren Kirwan, Senior Press Officer, Scope, T: 020 7619 720