This policy
The National Autistic Society (NAS) is the data processor for all personal information submitted to the Care and Support Alliance (CSA) in support of its work. The CSA is the data controller. This policy outlines how we handle your data.
Both the NAS and the CSA are committed to protecting your privacy and keeping your data safe. This policy has been written in line with the Data Protection Act of 2018. If you have any questions about this policy, or how your data is used, please email or write to us at the following address:
The Care Support Alliance Secretariat
c/o The National Autistic Society
391 – 393 City Road
Why we collect your data
We collect your data as a vital part of our campaigning work – without the support of the general public, the CSA is limited in what it can do.
We use your personal data to demonstrate to the Government and other bodies of the need for more funding in social care.
See for further details.
How we collect your personal data
We collect your personal data when you respond to a CSA campaign action, respond to a survey, or submit a form to us. We do not collect your details from third parties or agencies. If you receive a communication from the CSA, it is because you have directly interacted with us in the past.
The information we collect
We only ever ask for your first and last name (so we know who you are), your email address (so we can stay in touch with you) and your postcode and county (so we can ensure you are only contacted about campaigns that affect you in the area you live). We will also ask you for your permission to contact you in the future about our work.
In the past we may have asked you for your address; should you wish to have your data record amended so we no longer hold your full address, please contact us at to request this.
In the future we may wish to collect your full address. This would only happen if it was deemed necessary to support the work of the CSA. In the case of this happening this policy will be update to reflect that.
How we use your data
Primarily, your data is used to support our campaigning work. If you allow it, we will also use your email address to keep you informed about the on-going and future work of the CSA.
Your data will not be shared with any third party and it is not made available to member organisations of the CSA for any purpose whatever. If you hear from a member organisation about their work, it is because you are also known to that organisation, and separate to the CSA.
In anonymised form, your data is sometimes used for the purposes of analysis, to help the CSA write reports or decide on future actions. This work is designed to further the aims of the CSA but your privacy will always be safeguarded.
We sometimes use case studies to enhance our work. These are only ever done in conjunction with the subject of the study and with their explicit permission. Any non-personalised data that you submit to the CSA – for example, in a survey response – will be held anonymously and only for as long as survey responses are being utilised.
Storing your data
To keep your personal data safe, we keep it on a secure database, which can only be accessed by authorised and trained staff. We work to keep your records accurate, but please notify us of any changes by emailing
We will only keep your data for as long as it is needed and will contact you once every four years to ask you if you wish to remain on our database. After that period, we will securely remove your details from the database.
Changing your mind
When you submit your personal data to us, you will be signposted to this policy, and we undertake to process your data in accordance with what is laid out here.
If you change your mind, and would rather that we did not process your data, you will need to tell us, at earliest convenience, by emailing You can also use this email address to tell us you no longer wish to hear from us, or to request that your data be deleted from our database.
We will endeavour to enact any change requests made of us as soon as is reasonably possible (and always within five working days). Please note, however, that due to the way our communications are prepared this can take up to four weeks to come into effect.
Right of access
You can ask us for a copy of the data we hold on you and request that any inaccuracies in your personal details are corrected. You can also ask us to stop using your data for a period of time or for a specific purpose.
Please send your requests to We will acknowledge any such request within five working days and fully respond with 28 days.