News Story

Our message to the next Government: #FixSocialCare

November 15, 2019

The 75 members of the Care and Support Alliance are all united that the next Government must #FixSocialCare and give the country the care they need. After 20 years of promises, it’s now time for action.

Currently at least 1.5m people do not get the care they need, some people have to sell their homes to pay for care and family carers are being pushed to the brink caring for relatives with little or no support.

The alliance agrees on key reforms including, care should be free to use (just like the NHS and schools) and should be funded through some form of taxation. After years of political disagreement politicians from both, the left and right agree that some form of risk pooling is needed so people don’t have to bear all the brunt of care costs.

The 75 organisations include Age UK, Alzheimer’s Society, Mencap and The National Autistic Society, all work with people, and their families, that need care.  Further reforms the alliance agree on include: disabled adults, older people and carers must all benefit from changes there needs to be an independent national eligibility for care; and people should be able to get care when they first need so to prevent further ill health, whereas currently, people have to be in crisis to get help.

To find out more read our manifesto here

Or here is our easy read version here