News Story

CSA responds to the latest delayed discharge figures

February 11, 2016

NHS England have today published the latest figures on delayed discharge.

The Chair of the Care and Support Alliance, Vicky McDermott has said: 

“The official figures demonstrate that delayed discharges have risen by 35% due to a lack of social care options for patients. The Government’s own figures very clearly show people aren’t getting the basic social care they need and the pressure is being put on the NHS. Only last week it was estimated that delayed discharge costs the NHS £900million a year (1). Meanwhile we’ve seen funding on social care fall by £4.6billion over the last 5 years (2).

“Because they can’t get basic help with everyday tasks, like washing and feeding themselves, older and disabled people are at more risk of needing costly NHS services. It’s not fair, and it doesn’t make financial sense to ignore people’s social care needs because, as these figures show, the NHS end up picking up the bill.

“Without the Government addressing the chronic underfunding of social care, older and disabled people will simply not get the basic care they deserve and the knock-on problems for our hospitals will only get worse. The Government must find a fair and sustainable funding solution for social care within this parliament.”


1.The Carter review highlighted between 5,500 – 8,500 patients a day could be being used by a patient medically fit to be transferred. These delays could cost up to £900m per year.  (Lord Carter of Coales Review, Operational productivity and performance in English NHS acute hospitals: Unwarranted variations, February 16)

2.Spending on social care has fallen £4.6bn over the last 5 years (ADASS, Budget Survey 2015 Report, June 15)