News Story

CSA respond to the first day of Care Bill report stage

March 11, 2014

Richard Hawkes, Chair of the Care and Support Alliance said:

“The social care system is on its knees. Chronic under-funding is leaving people without the support they need to get up and get out of the house. Without that support they are more likely to be isolated, fall into crisis and end up in A&E.

“The Minister has recognised the need to radically overhaul the creaking system.

“The Care Bill is a real achievement that will massively improve the way people receive care.

“But we’re only half way there. We now need to focus on getting the funding right – councils say the Better Care Fund is not enough.

“Senior politicians from all parties have joined councils, social workers and charities in calling for greater transparency when it comes to making sure the money is there.

“Paul Burstow is spot on that ‘for decades social care has been the poor relation to health’ that the cost of care is the ‘elephant in the room’.

“We also need to get the roll-out right – eligibility has to be set at a level that means people that need support to do the basics get it.

“With the budget coming up there’s an opportunity to commit to creating not just a great bill, but a care system that gives older and disabled people – and the families that care for them – the support they need to do the things everyone else takes for granted.”