Vicky McDermott, Chair of the Care and Support Alliance, said:
“The figures released today highlight the strain our social care system is under. Delays attributed to social care have soared by 23 per cent in the last year alone (1). These delayed discharge figures are one of the indicators that social care services simply aren’t there to help people who need it. Another is the reality that at least 1.2 million older people and disabled people currently don’t have the care they need to do basics such as get out of bed, wash or prepare meals (2).
“This is putting a strain on families who are finding care simply isn’t there for their loved ones. Denying people care also means they inevitably need more expensive hospital attention further down the line.
“For too long this growing problem has been ignored. All politicians must commit to ensuring, that in the next parliament, social care is properly funded so that people get the basic care they deserve.”
Sources and references
Delayed Transfers of Care Data 2016-17:
(2) Age UK analysis November 16