News Story

Another month of record-breaking delayed discharge figures

October 13, 2016


The delayed discharge figures published today by NHS England show that figures are the highest since records first began.

Vicky McDermott, Chair of the Care and Support Alliance said:

“Record breaking delayed discharge figures are continuing to add unnecessary pressure on an already stretched NHS. The figures for August are the highest since records first began, showing the increasing pressure facing the NHS, even during the summer months (1).

“To address the challenges facing the NHS, the Government needs to act now to tackle the social care crisis that resulted in 650,000 lost hospital days last year (2) potentially costing the NHS up to £300 million a year (3). It’s clear that without greater social care funding these figures are going to continue to rise. This will mean that vulnerable people are stuck in expensive hospital wards when they could be more appropriately supported at home.

“The Prime Minister must use the forthcoming autumn statement as an opportunity to tackle the crisis in social care to ensure she achieves ‘a country that works for everyone’”


  1. Delayed Transfers of Care Data 2016-17
  2. Delayed Transfers of Care Data 2016-17
  3. Operational productivity and performance in English NHS acute hospitals: Unwarranted variations. An independent report for the Department of Health by Lord Carter of Coles

The Care and Support Alliance represents more than 90 of Britain’s leading charities campaigning alongside the millions of older people, disabled people and their carers who deserve decent care.

Media contact: Muna Suleiman: and 0207 923 5723