Yesterday, Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, Jeremy Hunt, announced that the publication of the Government’s Green Paper on social care has been postponed until the autumn. According to Mr Hunt, the Green Paper has been delayed so that it can be released alongside the Government’s plans for the new NHS funding, announced at the weekend.
Caroline Abrahams, co-Chair of the Care and Support Alliance and Charity Director at Age UK has responded to the announcement, saying that:
“The need for lots more investment in social care, coupled with reform, is now so great that any delay in the publication of the Green Paper is deeply regrettable, but frankly we’d rather have an ambitious set of proposals with the funding to match in the autumn than a timid paper that will not make any difference in July.”
“With this delay, the onus is now firmly on the Government to live up to its promises and come up with some game-changing ideas later in the year. The 80+ charities that make up the Care & Support Alliance and the millions of older people, sick and disabled adults and family carers whom we represent will be holding them to account for doing so.”
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